Aug 02, 2022
By acplumbingconstructioninc

How to Tell If You Have Hard Water

Hard water has a lot of calcium that tends to form scum when it reacts with soap. The water’s minerals can also lead to erosion of metallic parts of pipes, faucets and pipes. Several signs can tell whether the water in a given location is hard. The plumbing fixtures will fail after a short period in case there is hard water in a given neighborhood. You may like to know whether the water in a given neighborhood is hard or soft. Few tips can be applied to tell whether the water in a given location is soft or hard. Here are DIY tips to check out and know whether the water is fresh or hard:

Mineral deposits around faucets

Check your kitchen or bathroom faucet; the water is hard if there are whitish deposits. Hard water is rich in calcium that will tend to react with the metallic part of the faucet and lead to whitish solid deposits. The deposition of the whitish substances can lead to the wearing out of the faucets.

Soap scum deposits on the shower

Check your shower head. There are lots of scum deposits; then the water is hard. The presence of calcium in the water is making the water from the whitish deposits. Check out the deposits and clean the surfaces to avoid the wearing away of the metallic parts.

Dry and itchy skin after taking a shower

The hard water is known to form scum after mixing with water. The hard water will react with the minerals in the water and form scum on the body when taking a shower. The skin will become dry and itchy. If, after every shower, the skin feels itchy, then there is a possibility the water is hard, and something should be taken to address the issue.

Cloudy spots on the glasses

The glasses sued for drinking water will have deposits of calcium. If there are white spots when observing glasses used to drink the water, it is hard, and something should be taken to soften it.

Slow running faucets

The mineral deposits in the hard water will form on the inner parts of the water pipes and the faucets. The clogs will lead to slow running water. It is essential to check out and test the water if the faucets are running at low pressure even after opening them fully.

A smooth film feeling after washing hands

If, after washing your hands, you develop a feeling of a smooth film on the hands, then there is a need to check out. The reaction between soap and calcium in hard water forms scum that is smooth on the hands.

Mineral stains on the clothes

After washing clothes in a washing machine, they come out with mineral stains; the water is hard. The best way to confirm hard water’s presence is to conduct further tests. Soft water will not consume a lot of soap when cleaning clothes.

Hard water tends to leave white residue on tiles and faucets at home. The high amounts of calcium in the water are the main cause of hardness in water. Get advice from local water experts to know whether the water is safe.