Sep 13, 2022
By acplumbingconstructioninc

Why you Shouldn’t Flush Feminine Products

You know the old saying about flushing money down the toilet? Well, this is it. If you’re flushing feminine products, you’re literally flushing your money away, and it’s very bad for your plumbing and the environment, too. Here’s why you shouldn’t flush feminine products:

1. They Cause Clogs

According to the Clog Association of America, the number one cause of plumbing problems in the United States is feminine hygiene products. There are many reasons why this happens, but it boils down to convenience and hygiene. Traditional feminine products like pads, tampons and menstrual cups aren’t biodegradable and therefore are “foreign objects” that clog pipes with “plastics, fibers and cotton based products.” The Association goes on to say that feminine hygiene products are typically flushed down toilets because “they’re not easily removed or handled by women themselves.”

2. It Contaminates Your Water

Most of us throw away feminine products right after a shower or other activity in which we didn’t want/need to be really clean. Unfortunately, this means these items make their way into the water supply. This is a problem, because water systems are not regulated by the government, and they can’t test your water for toxins. This means your water could be contaminated with chemicals meant to stop bacterial growth.

3. They Cause Toxic Bacteria to Grow

The amount of bacteria that lives in soil is about the same as the amount of bacteria that lives in a tampon’s material, according to Menstrual Hygiene Day UK. As a result, if you flush one down the toilet, the bacteria grows on the tampon and makes its way into your water supply.

4. Your Plumbing Is Ruined

Finally, feminine products clog your pipes, which damages them in a very costly way. If you’re disposing of these products properly, they won’t clog or contaminate your water supplies as much. And the less clogging of pipes, the better it is for you and your plumbing.

5. It Could Leach Toxins into Your Water

The Environmental Working Group says that “the risk of toxins leaching from tampons into the water supply is high,” because the tampons contain materials like pesticides, fragrances and colorants. This can cause serious issues for your plumbing.

6. It’s Contaminating Your Toilet

Some feminine products are created with the same material that’s used in plastic toilet seats. This means they can absorb toxins, cause clogs and contaminate your toilet when you flush them in. Feminine products that have been flushed down your toilet have also contaminated the pipes from which your toilet was cleaned.

7. Your Water System Could Be Damaged

If feminine products are left in your water supply for a long period of time, they can cause serious damage to pipes and water systems.

The Association of Women’s Health, Research and Education explains that chlorine-based detergents used to remove menstrual blood can harm aquatic life, so this could be a reason why feminine products are flushed down toilets.

Feminine products such as pads, menstrual cups and tampons do indeed clog pipes in your home and can cause serious health risks when they’re flushed down toilets. If you’re ready to start using a more ecofriendly, cost-effective feminine hygiene product.