Jul 30, 2022
By acplumbingconstructioninc

Why Your Tap Water May Be Cloudy

If you’ve noticed that tap water is sometimes cloudier than usual, that’s because water sits in pipes; it takes on minerals and metals. When the water gets agitated, those minerals and metals can break free from the pipe walls and make a cloudy appearance.

The good news is that cloudy water generally isn’t a health hazard. It’s more of an aesthetic issue. However, if you have rusty-colored water, contact your local plumbing professional for information about steps you can take to eliminate the problem. The following are reasons Why Your Tap Water May Be Cloudy:

1. Air Bubbles

Your water may be temporarily cloudy because air bubbles are suspended in the water. The air bubbles can come from two sources:

Your home’s plumbing system. Air gets into the plumbing system as water travels through it. As the water flows, it splashes, creating a vacuum that draws any nearby air into the pipes. This can create air pockets in your lines, creating bubble-filled water when you turn on a faucet.

Twist off a faucet in your kitchen sink. If your water has a lot of bubbles, you may leak into your plumbing lines or a poor design that allows air to enter the line. You have a potential problem if air bubbles are visible through the faucet’s aerator. Leaks can be identified by water wasting out of the faucet spout or the sense that something is wrong by sounding an alarm when you turn on the water.

2. Hard Water

Water with a lot of minerals can create cloudiness in the water, especially if the minerals interact with soap and detergent. Hard water can also change the hue of your water – some people have cloudy water because they consume alkaline foods or drink carbonated beverages like tea or soda.

3. Cold Weather

Higher temperatures or extended periods of cold weather can also make your water cloudy, especially if you live in a region where the water is drawn from underground. When water is chilled, any sediment in the water remains solid and can create cloudiness as the water warms up.

4. Water Pressure

Sometimes there isn’t anything wrong with your plumbing system, but the problem is your own. Water pressure problems are often caused by older piping systems that have been replaced over time. The water flows through the piping system when you turn on a faucet or shower head. If there are any weak spots in the piping, that broken pipe can fail and create bubbles in your water. Alternatively, if your plumbing is old and undersized, it may not have enough pressure to push through the water efficiently. This can cause stale water to sit in pipes and create cloudiness.

5. Methane Gas

If you live in an area where methane gas is present, it can interact with your water. Methane gas comes from a variety of sources, including septic systems, landfills, and coal mines. If your home is near a source of methane gas, it could be getting into your water supply and creating the cloudiness that you’re seeing.

It’s not always the plumbing system – sometimes, it’s a simple matter of the weather. If you live in an area where your water is cloudy most of the time, ask your plumber to check for specific causes of cloudiness.